Our Why - Dunamis Factor

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Our Why

The Leadership Challenge

The Great Commission is truly a call to leadership.  It is a call for every believer to go, teach and make disciples - influencing culture for the Kingdom.  

Jesus taught 12 men to become transformational leaders, influencers, who would lead by word and deed.  Today, more than 2.2 Billion people around the globe profess to be Christians, as a result of men and women who were willing to be leaders in life - going, teaching and making disciples.

Yet the greatest growth in today’s Christian church is taking place outside the United States.

Americans are attending church less, and more people are experiencing and practicing their faith outside of its four walls.  Millennials in particular are coming of age at a time of great skepticism and cynicism toward institutions - particularly the church,” cites the 2016 Barna State of the Church Study.  “Add to this the broader secularizing trend in American culture, and a growing antagonism toward faith claims, and these are uncertain times for the U.S. Church.

There is a Leadership Deficit in Today's Christian Church

LEADERSHIP IS INFLUENCE: John Maxwell says, “Everything rises and falls on leadership.”  Yet one of the areas that is least taught in churches in America today is leadership.  Leadership is the model that Jesus used to bring about transformational change in the world.  He developed the leaders that were around Him.  In turn, these men went on to develop 120, then 3000, who went on to change the entire world.

Our passion and our calling is to help churches and pastors more effectively equip and train leaders who can be mobilized to influence and add value to others, bringing about transformational change in your city.

As members of the John Maxwell Team, we bring world-class leadership and communications training to churches, pastors and para-church organizations, all from a Biblically sound,  uniquely faith-based perspective.

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